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Welcome to Burnt Toast food blog. We’re Lee and Rebel, mom and daughter home cooks.

Join us in a conversation about our favorite foods, family stories, recipes we’ve updated for food intolerances, and the fun we have cooking together for parties and gatherings.

Cook together. Eat together.

Tea for Three

Small Rituals to Bring a Little Peace into Busy Living

Since before I was born my family has made a tradition of visiting the local Japanese Tea Garden whether with grandparents or if we needed a fun day trip. If you've never been to one before they are a wonderful place filled with trees, plants, water, and zen vibes. It's hard to be stressed when wondering among the artfully trimmed bushes and watching the birds bathe in the water. 

One thing I have noticed from being at this garden and from my own life experience is that people are trying to find their own version of peace and tranquility. To have a place or thing or person that centers us and keeps us afloat. For many people this garden embodies some aspect of this. It's a place for artists to come and draw or for local residents to come create space for pause within the normally busy city limits. 

For me this place embodies family and positive memories with my grandparents. They loved to try and capture every flower, bird and leaf in the place (on camera of course not by hand). The only time they weren't busy photographing nature was when we would sit down at the small tea house in the garden to snack on some treats and drink tea. 

Tea for three. Finding a moments peace over the simple ritual of drinking tea in a Japanese tea garden with daughter, mom and grandpa. 

Recently Lee, Grandpa, and I went to the garden. We enjoyed the sunshine and blooming flowers. The rest of the city was cold and foggy but somehow over the tea garden the weather was just right. I wish I could bottle up the atmosphere there and send it to you.

So I will leave you with this question: do you have a ritual or place that you go to restore?

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Chicken Enchiladas Verdes

Chicken Enchiladas Verdes

Lemon Scones with Icing - Dairy Free

Lemon Scones with Icing - Dairy Free